As I practice thinking better-feeling thoughts and get better and better at choosing which perspective I will go with, the Emotional Guidance Scale is a helpful tool that I use in determining if I am headed in the right, downstream direction. Getting from depression to joy or love doesn’t happen overnight and it’s important to acknowledge the process and feel appreciation or relief for wherever I am in my journey. When I am focused on not having what I want, and I am worrying, or complaining (all upstream) I am not relaxing, and therefore not allowing the physical part of me to feel good and therefore missing out on the things that are working in my favor. When I am thinking these upstream thoughts, such as thoughts based on doubt, worry, fear, shame, blame, I am not allowing myself to get into the stream of well-being. By focusing on what I want and choosing downstream thoughts, or thoughts that help me feel better I allow myself to go toward the direction of my well-being, which is my natural state of being.
Over two years ago, after going through a break up, I came upon this scale and took inventory of where I was in the area of romance/relationships. At that time, I was doubtful and pessimistic about ever finding my dream partner. I thought it was too hard, too late, and too painful to try again. Today, I feel very differently. I feel hopeful, optimistic, ready, and open. I know that what I want in a relationship exists in abundance and I am in eager anticipation. I believe that what I want is here now and I am at peace within. This feels so good to me. In fact, I don’t remember ever feeling this way before. Today I feel complete. And what a feeling it is!!
In this month's intenSati series, CARPE DIEM, we say, "Yes, I will seize the day and I will act now." We focus our thoughts positively on our intentions. By affirming our readiness, willingness and determination to "stop worrying right now," we release the upstream/resistant thoughts and we allow ourselves to lighten up and relax with a knowing that what we want is on its way. Lining up our intentions/thoughts with our emotions lets us take inspired action and therefore produces the results that we want. In intenSati we remind ourselves that we are doing our best, and our best keeps getting better. We acknowledge that practice makes the Master and we are co-creators of our lives. By doing our best and appreciating and accepting where we are, we lighten up and allow for improvement with our physical movements. As we build the confidence and courage to speak louder and move bigger, we inevitably grow and expand not just physically, but also spiritually. intenSati is a workout that not only puts emphasis on our physical movements, but trains our spiritual, non-physical part of us, by focusing attention on our emotions/attitudes. The result is a total physical, spiritual, emotional transformation.
In what area of your life are you blocked? Do you find yourself thinking upstream thoughts about this area? What happens when you shift your perspective and let go? What better feeling thoughts/downstream thoughts can you choose to focus on instead? For more on upstream versus downstream thoughts, see this video. Use the scale below to map your progress.
The Emotional Guidance Scale
1. Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love
2. Passion
3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
4. Positive Expectation/Belief
5. Optimism
6. Hopefulness
7. Contentment
8. Boredom
9. Pessimism
10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
11. Overwhelment
12. Disappointment
13. Doubt
14. Worry
15. Blame
16. Discouragement
17. Anger
18. Revenge
19. Hatred/Rage
20. Jealousy
21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness
From the book “Ask and It is Given”, pg. 114
This is the last week for the Carpe Diem series. See you Wednesday and Thursday 6pm at Ripley Grier on 520 8th Avenue.
Will You Seize The Day?
With Love,
Here is a place of Celebrations! Here is where I share all the good that is in my life. Welcome...
Monday, June 28, 2010
Tuesday, June 22, 2010
Feeling Lighthearted
I can't stop smiling right now. I've been reading the book The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide
and just came upon Example 13, titled I Cannot Find a Mate. As I've shared before, I declared 2010 as the year I will allow myself to be in my ideal romantic relationship. I had been plagued by old doubts, worries, hurts and had really blocked myself from moving forward in the direction of my dreams when it came to this area of my life. As a result, I had set up my reality to match my doubtful and negative vibrations and produced the opposite of my desires. Yes, I maintained a one-sided, poor excuse of a relationship set up on convenience and non-commitment. And kept it going for far too long! But I let that go with 2009 and I forgive myself! (Exhale)
Over the course of the last year and a half, I have and continue to develop the focus to reach for better feeling thoughts with the practice of intenSati. And I am getting better and better at it. Early this year I decided that no matter what, I will go forward in the direction of my dreams and manifest new and different realities! In this book, better feeling thoughts are referred to as downstream thoughts. The opposite of that is upstream. I'm not a very good swimmer, yet I know that swimming downstream takes less energy and effort on my part and can get me to my desired destination much quicker.
I used to only think upstream thoughts, such as "It's hard to find the right person."
And right now at this moment, I am smiling because while reading this section of the book I feel really good! I am now aligned with downstream, better feeling thoughts! Thoughts such as, "I'm enjoying exploring my options," or "My picture of my life partner has grown out of the relationships I've had over the years," or "Every experience in life adds to the evolution of our ideas and desires." Yes! I can't stop smiling:) What I want is here in great abundance!
In my intenSati class this month, we affirm our dreams and focus on our desires instead of worrying or complaining about what we don't yet have. Yes! What I want is on its way and it's coming to me in greater amounts than I can ever imagine! I have faith and trust that it is here now. And all I have to do is allow....I feel lighthearted and grateful. (Exhale)
Carpe Diem:
YES! I will seize the day
I will act now
Everyday is a new day
My life is passing and it will not wait
I am ready to stop worrying
I am willing to stop worrying
I am determined to stop worrying
Right now
I will challenge myself
To reach for something better
No worries no regrets
Ah! I feel much better
I am free now
Carpe diem!
All I need
Is to discipline
My attention
And be grateful
That I have
The power
To choose
See you in class Wednesday and Thursday 6PM at Ripley Grier Studios on 520 8th Avenue in NYC.
With Love,
Over the course of the last year and a half, I have and continue to develop the focus to reach for better feeling thoughts with the practice of intenSati. And I am getting better and better at it. Early this year I decided that no matter what, I will go forward in the direction of my dreams and manifest new and different realities! In this book, better feeling thoughts are referred to as downstream thoughts. The opposite of that is upstream. I'm not a very good swimmer, yet I know that swimming downstream takes less energy and effort on my part and can get me to my desired destination much quicker.
I used to only think upstream thoughts, such as "It's hard to find the right person."
And right now at this moment, I am smiling because while reading this section of the book I feel really good! I am now aligned with downstream, better feeling thoughts! Thoughts such as, "I'm enjoying exploring my options," or "My picture of my life partner has grown out of the relationships I've had over the years," or "Every experience in life adds to the evolution of our ideas and desires." Yes! I can't stop smiling:) What I want is here in great abundance!
In my intenSati class this month, we affirm our dreams and focus on our desires instead of worrying or complaining about what we don't yet have. Yes! What I want is on its way and it's coming to me in greater amounts than I can ever imagine! I have faith and trust that it is here now. And all I have to do is allow....I feel lighthearted and grateful. (Exhale)
Carpe Diem:
YES! I will seize the day
I will act now
Everyday is a new day
My life is passing and it will not wait
I am ready to stop worrying
I am willing to stop worrying
I am determined to stop worrying
Right now
I will challenge myself
To reach for something better
No worries no regrets
Ah! I feel much better
I am free now
Carpe diem!
All I need
Is to discipline
My attention
And be grateful
That I have
The power
To choose
See you in class Wednesday and Thursday 6PM at Ripley Grier Studios on 520 8th Avenue in NYC.
With Love,
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
I challenge myself to reach for something better!
As part of my Sati Leader training curriculum, I am reading the book The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide
by Abraham Hicks. The title already explains a lot, but I highly recommend this book if you want to feel better about your life, your body, your relationships, your career, your home, anything! Just this past week there have been several people in my life, friends, co-workers, and family who have asked me these questions:
"How did you do it?"
"What did you do?"
"How can I get there?"
And my response is always the same. "Just choose a better feeling thought." I first heard those words in an intensati class and it took quite a few more times of hearing it for the true meaning to sink in. It's not just the thoughts that we think, but the feelings/emotions we have with the thought that really creates the change within us. I think most people would agree that we are action driven beings and we are so used to taking action when we want to improve something. And with the power of positive thinking, more and more people have figured out that the thoughts we think about ourselves really do matter as well. But not many have figured out that so much of our success depends on how we FEEL. And that feeling good, feeling happy will produce more of the same. And feeling the opposite of good and happy, will also produce more of the same.
In intenSati we practice choosing our thoughts, choosing our attitude, choosing our actions that allow us to deliberately co-create or manifest our best intentions. All three have to be in alignment. So while keeping this in mind, do you challenge yourself to reach for something better? No worries, no regrets do you feel better?
To get better and better at feeling better, join me for intenSati with Triccia every Wednesdays and Thursdays at 6pm at Ripley Grier Studios on 520 8th Ave bet 36th and 37th Streets. Class is $10. Bring a friend and you take it for FREE!
On Sunday, June 20th 4-6pm join Patricia at PureYoga for a YogaSati and Meditation Workshop
"How did you do it?"
"What did you do?"
"How can I get there?"
And my response is always the same. "Just choose a better feeling thought." I first heard those words in an intensati class and it took quite a few more times of hearing it for the true meaning to sink in. It's not just the thoughts that we think, but the feelings/emotions we have with the thought that really creates the change within us. I think most people would agree that we are action driven beings and we are so used to taking action when we want to improve something. And with the power of positive thinking, more and more people have figured out that the thoughts we think about ourselves really do matter as well. But not many have figured out that so much of our success depends on how we FEEL. And that feeling good, feeling happy will produce more of the same. And feeling the opposite of good and happy, will also produce more of the same.
In intenSati we practice choosing our thoughts, choosing our attitude, choosing our actions that allow us to deliberately co-create or manifest our best intentions. All three have to be in alignment. So while keeping this in mind, do you challenge yourself to reach for something better? No worries, no regrets do you feel better?
To get better and better at feeling better, join me for intenSati with Triccia every Wednesdays and Thursdays at 6pm at Ripley Grier Studios on 520 8th Ave bet 36th and 37th Streets. Class is $10. Bring a friend and you take it for FREE!
On Sunday, June 20th 4-6pm join Patricia at PureYoga for a YogaSati and Meditation Workshop
Tuesday, June 1, 2010
Happy June!
Hi Everyone!
I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend in remembrance of those who have died in our nation's service.
I spent the entire weekend upstate in my hometown of Monroe, NY. If you've ever shopped at the Woodbury Commons Premium Outlets, it is in the town I grew up in and I went to middle school and high school across the street from the outlets! Hmmm, that is probably one of the reasons I ended up with a career in retail! Anyway, it had been a long time since I was around family so I indulged and enjoyed every minute of it. I had some Filipino breakfast food for dinner (soo good it's sooo bad for you), BBQ's, beer (had 5 total for the whole weekend), saw SATC2 and Prince of Persia (love Jake Gyllenhaal), watched 2 movies on TV (some of you know I don't watch TV at all) and got lots of hugs and kisses from my 9 and 7 yr old nephews. I even ate ice-cream every day. I actually found Purely Decadent coconut milk-based, non dairy, vegan, organic ice cream at Shop-Rite in Monroe believe it or not! Oh and of course I even got gym time in! And I got to go in the neighbor's pool yesterday too! It was a perfect weekend to do a bunch of things I don't normally get to do (except the gym).
The only thing from my "normal routine" that I did every single day that I was there, was starting each day with the Morning Ah Meditations. I had warned everyone there that I would be doing this so they knew what it would be in case they heard the sounds of my Ahhs. So for 3 mornings, while in a house full of people I put my headphones on and did 20 minutes of Ah's with Wayne Dyer every morning. Ah is the sound of creation, the sound of Joy, as Wayne Dyer says. And if you are willing, go ahead and do the Ah's every morning. We will be doing these in class starting this week. I've posted the links for FREE youtube downloads on my intenSati with Triccia group page on Facebook.
Despite the beautiful weekend I had, I was thrilled to get back to my normal routine. It was nice to get back to work today and catch up with everyone there. I think it's a blessing that I love my job and the people I work with, that I actually miss everyone there whenever I go away. It was nice that I got to take Patricia's class tonight alongside many wonderful Sati Leaders and Warriors. And it is nice that I'm sitting here planning my classes for the next 2 days! Many of you already know that I have added a class on Thursday nights at 6pm. So starting this week, I am teaching on Wednesdays AND Thursdays and I couldn't be happier about it! So I hope to see as many of you as possible!
The new series we will be doing this month is called Carpe Diem.
YES! I will seize the day
I will act now
Everyday is a new day
My life is passing and it will not wait
I am ready to stop worrying
I am willing to stop worrying
I am determined to stop worrying
Right now
I will challenge myself
To reach for something better
No worries no regrets
Ah! I feel much better
I am free now
Carpe diem!
All I need
Is to discipline
My attention
And be grateful
That I have
The power
To choose
Join Patricia Moreno at Unity of New York Sunday June 6th at 11am. Patricia will be the guest speaker and she will be leading an intenSati demo, and yours truly will be one of the Sati Leaders on stage:) It is located on 95th and Broadway.
Want to train to be an intenSati leader. The next leader training is June 7-11th in NYC. Go to or email me at for more specifics! I absolutely love being an intenSati leader and this training truly has helped bring out all of the Beauty in my Life.
FREE Outdoor intenSati at Bryant Park with Premier Leader, Natalia on Tuesday, June 8th 10am at 41st bet 5th and 6th. See you there!
It is already June! 2010 is almost halfway done! How will you sieze the day? Carpe Diem!
I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend in remembrance of those who have died in our nation's service.
I spent the entire weekend upstate in my hometown of Monroe, NY. If you've ever shopped at the Woodbury Commons Premium Outlets, it is in the town I grew up in and I went to middle school and high school across the street from the outlets! Hmmm, that is probably one of the reasons I ended up with a career in retail! Anyway, it had been a long time since I was around family so I indulged and enjoyed every minute of it. I had some Filipino breakfast food for dinner (soo good it's sooo bad for you), BBQ's, beer (had 5 total for the whole weekend), saw SATC2 and Prince of Persia (love Jake Gyllenhaal), watched 2 movies on TV (some of you know I don't watch TV at all) and got lots of hugs and kisses from my 9 and 7 yr old nephews. I even ate ice-cream every day. I actually found Purely Decadent coconut milk-based, non dairy, vegan, organic ice cream at Shop-Rite in Monroe believe it or not! Oh and of course I even got gym time in! And I got to go in the neighbor's pool yesterday too! It was a perfect weekend to do a bunch of things I don't normally get to do (except the gym).
The only thing from my "normal routine" that I did every single day that I was there, was starting each day with the Morning Ah Meditations. I had warned everyone there that I would be doing this so they knew what it would be in case they heard the sounds of my Ahhs. So for 3 mornings, while in a house full of people I put my headphones on and did 20 minutes of Ah's with Wayne Dyer every morning. Ah is the sound of creation, the sound of Joy, as Wayne Dyer says. And if you are willing, go ahead and do the Ah's every morning. We will be doing these in class starting this week. I've posted the links for FREE youtube downloads on my intenSati with Triccia group page on Facebook.
Despite the beautiful weekend I had, I was thrilled to get back to my normal routine. It was nice to get back to work today and catch up with everyone there. I think it's a blessing that I love my job and the people I work with, that I actually miss everyone there whenever I go away. It was nice that I got to take Patricia's class tonight alongside many wonderful Sati Leaders and Warriors. And it is nice that I'm sitting here planning my classes for the next 2 days! Many of you already know that I have added a class on Thursday nights at 6pm. So starting this week, I am teaching on Wednesdays AND Thursdays and I couldn't be happier about it! So I hope to see as many of you as possible!
The new series we will be doing this month is called Carpe Diem.
YES! I will seize the day
I will act now
Everyday is a new day
My life is passing and it will not wait
I am ready to stop worrying
I am willing to stop worrying
I am determined to stop worrying
Right now
I will challenge myself
To reach for something better
No worries no regrets
Ah! I feel much better
I am free now
Carpe diem!
All I need
Is to discipline
My attention
And be grateful
That I have
The power
To choose
Join Patricia Moreno at Unity of New York Sunday June 6th at 11am. Patricia will be the guest speaker and she will be leading an intenSati demo, and yours truly will be one of the Sati Leaders on stage:) It is located on 95th and Broadway.
Want to train to be an intenSati leader. The next leader training is June 7-11th in NYC. Go to or email me at for more specifics! I absolutely love being an intenSati leader and this training truly has helped bring out all of the Beauty in my Life.
FREE Outdoor intenSati at Bryant Park with Premier Leader, Natalia on Tuesday, June 8th 10am at 41st bet 5th and 6th. See you there!
It is already June! 2010 is almost halfway done! How will you sieze the day? Carpe Diem!
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