Feelin' grateful
Feelin' full
Allowing all good
Eager for more
A smile I've been wearing
For quite some time now
Reasons keep coming
Healing is happening
Joy resides
In my heart
I trust myself,
All is well
I feel amazing and
So full of life
Each day I realize
My heart's desires
Now in the past, whenever things are going well it was not unusual for me to be overcome with fear, doubt, and worry. As a result, I would then self-sabotage. This time around, my heart is open for more love than I have ever had before. How am I doing this? Besides my intenSati practice, I have also committed to my meditation practice. This month I am using the Getting Into The Vortex: Guided Meditations CD and User Guide
My teaching schedule is as follows:
Mondays 6:30am Equinox Columbus Circle (open guest list)
Tuesdays 6:30pm CAN DO Fitness Short Hills (email for guest pass)
Thursdays 5:30pm CAN DO Fitness Edgewater (email for guest pass)
Saturdays 10:30am Club H Jersey City (email for guest pass)
Join my Facebook group intenSati with Triccia for more details and for this month's affirmations!
In Joy Now,