"I have always valued living a healthy lifestyle. I enjoy working out, and educating myself on the latest fitness and nutrition information. However, staying on course to maintain my fitness goals has been an on-going challenge for me. I want to stop worrying about what I eat or how I look. I want to develop a more conscious awareness with regard to my health. I intend to bring discipline and focus knowing that being healthy is more than just regular exercise. It also involves eating complete foods, lowering stress through meditation, and bringing love into all of my relationships. Joining this community is the perfect way to bring me closer to my vision of living a healthy, wealthy, and happy life!"
The above is what I wrote for the my profile page on my Team Beachbody Coach website. Yes! I just became a Team Beachbody Coach last week and I am very excited to kickstart 2012 with this new undertaking! 2012, the year of the Dragon. In the Chinese Zodiac, the Year of the Dragon is considered the luckiest bringing with it optimism and hope for better times! It is associated with high energy and prosperity and represents change and mobility. For me this means 2012 is my year to bring in health, wealth, and happiness! Yes! Health, Wealth, Happiness are the reasons I just became a Team Beachbody Coach. What does this mean? Shakeology and Insanity! Shakeology is this amazing drink packed with 70 natural ingredients that acts like a salad, but tastes like dessert. Insanity is this 60 day Max Interval workout that is guaranteed to transform your body. I'll talk about the Coach aspect in a later blog!
So you're wondering what about IntenSati? Well, starting next month I am taking a 12 week teleseminar with Patricia Moreno and Hildie Dunn of the Handel Group. The SatiLife Conscious Eating Course by Patricia Moreno is designed to help people awaken to the healing and harming power of food, and to empower individuals to make conscious choices that will lead to a healthier and happier relationship with real, good food. I am done complaining and worrying about what to eat, what not to eat, etc. I am committed to making lasting change.
I am ready to do the work! What does this mean? For the first few months of 2012, it will mean:
Insanity for the next 60 days
Shakeology shake once a day everyday
Conscious Eating Call 1/wk for 12 wks and do the homework that comes with it
Pray and Meditate daily
And of course, practice gratitude and appreciation! Thank you!