For example, just three weeks ago I had never entertained the idea of teaching intenSati at Equinox. Many of you know that I have been a member there for over a year and a half now and that it is the only gym in NYC that offers intenSati. So when my friend Nesty asked me if I would teach there at the end of my Sati leader training, I quickly responded, "Oh me? No! No, I'm not that! I'm not that good! People who teach there are the best! They're perfect! I have love handles!" Yes I said all of those things and probably more! Nesty who has been coming to my intenSati classes at Ripley Grier couldn't believe what he was hearing and what I was saying, and so he started saying some of our affirmations and series one liners back to me to show me how silly I was. Thank you Nesty! I had to admit, he had a point! The date was Tuesday, July 27th.
Two days later at my intenSati class, I shared with my students my willingness to practice a new thought, to think a new idea which involved me teaching at Equinox. I was willing to believe differently of myself. And it felt good. This was on Thursday, July 29th.
Three days later, I received an email from Patricia Moreno informing me that she included my name on a list of people she was recommending to audition at Equinox. WHATTTT? Whoa, Universe that was quick! The date was Sunday, Aug 1st!
Upon reading Patricia's email, I quickly emailed the person best suited to get me ready for the audition, and made an appointment. A week later, I had a private coaching session with intenSati premier leader, Erika Shannon. So giving, and so empowering, Erika reminded me that I HAD what it takes. She convinced me that I had the power and precision behind my moves, the passion behind my voice, that I am FUN, and that these were all qualities important in getting hired. Yes, these are all ideas I already believed to be true. But my doubts were in full effect, which happens whenever I go to the edge of my comfort zone! Erika's bad ass attitude definitely rubbed off on me, in a positive way of course. And by the end of that hour, I was READY! The date was Aug 8th!
Tuesday, Aug 10th I ROCKED THE AUDITION! I knew I did my best and I walked out of there feeling SUCCESS-full knowing that I had now become someone greater than I was 2 weeks prior. I now had a different belief about myself. A more empowering one! They said we would hear within 2 weeks if we are hired. I felt awesome! Whether or not I get hired wasn't as important as who I had become along the process. My self-imposed limiting beliefs had been lifted. Aaahhhh! I BELIEVE IN MY SUCCESS and I WILL KEEP THE FAITH!
Tuesday, Aug 17th, email from Mark Hendricks--I GOT THE JOB!!! Whew-HOO!!! YESSSS!
Thoughts Become Things! By directing our minds, we direct our experience!
In intenSati, we use our mind as our source of power! We are FREE to CHOOSE what we see. And we have FAITH that it is all working out....One of my favorite affirmations that Patricia uses, "When I honor myself, the world shifts around me."
Hope to see you tonight at 520 Ripley Grier! Life is GOOD! Let's CELEBRATE!
With Love,
I am so thrilled & excited for you, Triccia!
ReplyDeleteThank you Norn! I am sooo thrilled and excited as well:):)