As some of you may or may not know, I am most comfortable indoors and think of myself as an "indoor cat" perfectly happy inside, away from bugs, critters, and unpredictable weather. So it was a big deal to me that this past Sunday I hiked Slide Mountain, the tallest peak in the Catskills. I had been on a handful of hikes before, but none that were classified as "strenuous" as this was. I must admit I was a bit nervous and didn't know what to expect except that it was about 7 miles total and should take about 5 hours.
I believe that anything worth doing, is worth doing well so I was determined to enjoy this. I wanted to do it well. While in the car on the way there, I visualized myself moving with ease and comfort. I silently repeated the words, "I AM safe, I AM well, I AM adventurous" over and over again. This made me feel better and by the time we parked the car almost 2 hours later, I was ready, excited, and all set to go!
We set out crossing a couple of small streams, some rocky patches on a narrow well marked trail. Within 10 minutes there it was, a wall of rocks, different sizes, heights, and I immediately thought, "oh yeah strenuous hike here we go."
I kept my head down focusing on rock after rock, making sure I planted my feet firmly before taking the next step. Every now and then, Sean, my boyfriend would ask if I was ok and I was. In fact, I was having fun! I noticed after a while, that my thoughts on anything not having to do with this hike just stopped. I was completely, and entirely focused on the rocks under my feet. "This one looks good, it's dry, not that one because it's wet, this one looks secure, that one is loose, this one is good, oops a little slippery there, this one is good, this one's good too, uh oh that won't work where do I go next?....ok go to the left, hold onto the tree for support, this rock is good, oh finally! a flat surface, good i can breathe now, here comes another wall of rocks..." I almost didn't hear Sean behind me telling me to slow down and stop and appreciate the sweet smell of the outdoors. Aahhhh...I took a deep breath and realized we had been on this trail for over an hour and my shirt was pretty soaked and I was dripping sweat. We continued on for another hour. I could hear Sean breathing heavily behind me. I was too. This was indeed a challenge.
Finally, the rocky terrain gave way to a smooth, cushiony, flat surface lined on either side by pinetrees. Have you ever smelled Christmas in June? I have, right on that trail. It was surreal!

When we got to the lookout point we saw a stunning, breath taking view. I knew instantly that every step was worth it! In front of me was beauty as far as the eye can see. Rolling hills of green in a rendezvous with wispy white clouds on a blue sky. This was so worth it!
So quiet, so peaceful, so calm. We were in the wilderness. Yes, the wilderness defined as "the most intact, undisturbed wild natural areas left on our planet--those last truly wild places that humans do not control and have not developed with roads, pipelines or other industrial infrastructure. Some nature writers believe wilderness areas are vital for the human spirit and creativity." I agree. Where there is peace, there can be clarity. Where there is clarity, inspiration. Where there is inspiration, creativity is born. My heart was open. And I felt different. This was one of those life-changing moments.
For the next two hours while descending the mountain, I thought about how this trail represented my experiences with life. Some parts are smooth and easy, some parts are tricky and require some more thought. Some are downright challenging and made me question if it was worth taking the next step or should I just turn back? Some parts are just amazing and beautiful and remind you of a greater presence around you! Yes all this on the same trail. And I'm so glad we kept going or else we would've missed out on the best parts!
What's more is that the same trail looked different on our way back. While it was dry on our way up the mountain, it was wet on our way down. The truth is, things are never the same the second time around, and should just be appreciated and not taken for granted at that very moment! Wow! Let me say that again! Things are never the same the second time around, and should just be appreciated and not taken for granted at that very moment!
My senses were heightened, and my emotions were amplified! I loved everything about that day. All in all, it took a little over 4 hours. And while my legs were shaking and felt fatigued, I was in a joyful state of mind! I turned to Sean once we got in the car and told him how much I enjoyed the hike and that I couldn't wait to do it again. "What's beyond strenuous," I asked him? He smiled in a way that I love, and we headed back home.
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