As I practice thinking better-feeling thoughts and get better and better at choosing which perspective I will go with, the
Emotional Guidance Scale is a helpful tool that I use in determining if I am headed in the right, downstream direction. Getting from depression to joy or love doesn’t happen overnight and it’s important to acknowledge the process and feel appreciation or relief for wherever I am in my journey. When I am focused on not having what I want, and I am worrying, or complaining (all upstream) I am not relaxing, and therefore not allowing the physical part of me to feel good and therefore missing out on the things that are working in my favor. When I am thinking these upstream thoughts, such as thoughts based on doubt, worry, fear, shame, blame, I am not allowing myself to get into the stream of well-being. By focusing on what I want and choosing downstream thoughts, or thoughts that help me feel better I allow myself to go toward the direction of my well-being, which is my natural state of being.
Over two years ago, after going through a break up, I came upon this scale and took inventory of where I was in the area of romance/relationships. At that time, I was doubtful and pessimistic about ever finding my dream partner. I thought it was too hard, too late, and too painful to try again. Today, I feel very differently. I feel hopeful, optimistic, ready, and open. I know that what I want in a relationship exists in abundance and I am in eager anticipation. I believe that what I want is here now and I am at peace within. This feels so good to me. In fact, I don’t remember ever feeling this way before. Today I feel complete. And what a feeling it is!!
In this month's
intenSati series, CARPE DIEM, we say, "Yes, I will seize the day and I will act now." We focus our thoughts positively on our intentions. By affirming our readiness, willingness and determination to "stop worrying right now," we release the upstream/resistant thoughts and we allow ourselves to lighten up and relax with a knowing that what we want is on its way. Lining up our intentions/thoughts with our emotions lets us take inspired action and therefore produces the results that we want. In
intenSati we remind ourselves that we are doing our best, and our best keeps getting better. We acknowledge that practice makes the Master and we are co-creators of our lives. By doing our best and appreciating and accepting where we are, we lighten up and allow for improvement with our physical movements. As we build the confidence and courage to speak louder and move bigger, we inevitably grow and expand not just physically, but also spiritually.
intenSati is a workout that not only puts emphasis on our physical movements, but trains our spiritual, non-physical part of us, by focusing attention on our emotions/attitudes. The result is a total physical, spiritual, emotional transformation.
In what area of your life are you blocked? Do you find yourself thinking upstream thoughts about this area? What happens when you shift your perspective and let go? What better feeling thoughts/downstream thoughts can you choose to focus on instead?
For more on upstream versus downstream thoughts, see this video. Use the scale below to map your progress.
The Emotional Guidance Scale
1. Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love
2. Passion
3. Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
4. Positive Expectation/Belief
5. Optimism
6. Hopefulness
7. Contentment
8. Boredom
9. Pessimism
10. Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
11. Overwhelment
12. Disappointment
13. Doubt
14. Worry
15. Blame
16. Discouragement
17. Anger
18. Revenge
19. Hatred/Rage
20. Jealousy
21. Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
22. Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness
From the book “Ask and It is Given”, pg. 114
This is the last week for the Carpe Diem series. See you Wednesday and Thursday 6pm at Ripley Grier on 520 8th Avenue.
Will You Seize The Day?
With Love,