Thursday, January 7, 2010

New Year

So glad to finally be writing my first post. All week I had agonized over what to call my blog. I wanted to write about setting goals and reaching them. But that's not all. I will write about enjoying the journey, NOW! I often observe how people I know, myself included set goals and then obsess over reaching them without appreciating the process it takes to get there. And just as often, I've witnessed so many give up on their goals because it was too difficult or too challenging. Some just lose interest or don't have the focus or the discipline. Well, we are seven days into the year 2010, and there are countless of us out here in the midst of setting our goals for this new year. One thing I can bet is that we are all determined to make this a better year than the last. So this blog is dedicated to everyone who wants to improve their lives, one goal at a time while enjoying now, no matter what.

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