Friday, December 31, 2010

2010 was Ahhhmazing! AND I'm ready for 2011!

A year ago I set the intention to have my best year yet! Looking back on it I am grateful that I indeed fulfilled those intentions.  2010 was a year dedicated to cultivating SELF-LOVE and HONORING MY WORTH.  Making this decision involved taking different actions in many areas of my life.  Here are  some of the highlights:

Me in 2010
I became more aware of my body and how STRONG I am especially when I take care to eat the right foods, get enough sleep and remember to laugh out loud a lot!  This year was a healthy one!  It was great to witness the changes in my physical body and how it affected how I looked and how I felt. 

Also, this year I deepened my spiritual awareness by adapting a meditation practice.  I highly recommend Wayne Dyer's Ah Meditation for manifesting what you want to create in your life.  There are many guided meditations easily available.  If you want to know more about it, a simple google search will lead you to endless options.  This is an area I want to continue cultivating in the next year.  Sitting in silence, quieting my thoughts, and allowing my power from within to guide me is one of the greatest gifts I can give myself daily.     

Me in 2006
Major for this year!!!  I sought out to be an intenSati leader, and went for it with my whole heart and soul using the principles of the practice to prove to me that it doesn't matter where you've been in the past.  It doesn't matter that I didn't have a background in fitness or that just 4 years ago I weighted in at 30 lbs more than today (see pic to the right)!  All that matters is what and how I choose to think and feel right now, so I can take the actions necessary to create the future I want to see.  A year ago, I never imagined I'd be leading 3-4 intenSati classes a week and teaching at Equinox--the home of intenSati. This practice taught me to fall in love with myself, and to believe in who I am.  This is WHY I wanted so much to share this with so many people.  My journey was fueled with joy, gratitude, and appreciation for all of the individuals who attended my classes, as well as family and friends near and far who offered encouraging words of support.  And I cannot thank Patricia Moreno and the Sati Life community enough!  From Warriors to Leaders, your joy, successes, and your determination to move past temporary failures inspired me and OPENED MY HEART!  Thank you all for believing in me and reminding me that as long as I believe it, it shall be.  I'm happy to report that starting next week I have added 2 more classes (1 in EQUINOX NYC, and 1 in CAN DO in NJ) to my weekly teaching schedule.  Join my FB group intenSati with Triccia for more details.

Before I discuss my 2011 intentions, let me share also that 2010 was a year of DECIDING NOT TO SETTLE FOR LESS!  I had put my 'dream relationship' on hold, seriously questioning if I was meant to have that special LOVE in my life.  For many years, I believed that it just wasn't in the cards for me and so I gave up and settled for much, much less.  I began this year with a FIERCE DETERMINATION not to continue these limiting beliefs, by saying goodbye to the man who had held a piece of my heart for far too long!  And while it was very difficult and painful, with each passing day I felt more free, more certain, that by saying NO to what I didn't want, I was saying YES to ME!  I WILL have my Dream relationship.  And this I KNOW for sure!

This process of putting myself back on track regarding love and relationships took the entire year!  Well, almost the entire year! Last night, Dec 30th,  I went on a date--my first one in 2010 and it was a great one, and that's all I'm saying for now:)

YES!  I'm declaring 2011 to be the year I discover the beauty of being in LOVE with the perfect one for me!  And I TRUST that things will unfold as they should!  I will fuel my DREAM with the magical vibes of the season and will FOCUS on the outcome I desire, NO MATTER WHAT!

Thank you for reading my blogs these past 12 months:)  Onto the next...

Have a Happy New Year and may 2011 be a year full of SUCCESS, JOY and LOVE!!!

With Appreciation,

Saturday, December 4, 2010

What I Celebrate, Appreciates!

Happy Holidays! I love this time of year! One of my favorite SATI affirmations is "what you celebrate, appreciates!" So celebrate LOVE, JOY, SUCCESS, and HEALTH! Yes health! So just because it's December doesn't mean you have to let it all go and gain 5-7lbs, which is what the average person gains.
I invite you to join the December Holiday Sati Challenge! Check out for details.

If you're in NYC and you're not an EQUINOX member but would like to take intenSati with me on any of the following dates, msg me and I'll put you on the list:
EQUINOX Columbus Circle Monday Dec 6th 6:30pm
EQUINOX 76th St/Amsterdam Friday Dec 17th 6:30pm
EQUINOX 17th St/10th Ave Wednesday Dec 29th 6:30am

Also every Wednesday 7pm in Astoria at ARROW Field for Shape Up NYC. This class is FREE!

And if you're in NJ, I now teach at CAN DO Fitness in Edgewater on Thursdays 5:30pm. Same deal, msg me for guest passes!

Our affirmations for this month:

(Upper Body)
I am the master of my fate
I lift myself up to a higher state
With the power of my mind
...I seek and I shall find
I'm in control of my full potential
I will thrive
Not just survive
I am focused
I am grateful
I feel great

(Lower Body)
I surrender
To my destiny
I know all I want is on it's way
I am blessed
With the keys to my success
Happiness is the way

Monday, November 22, 2010

NEW Class Updates and Turkey thoughts!!

So excited to share with you that I have two new classes starting in December and both are in NJ!  So all of you Hudson County WARRIORS, get ready to get intenSati'sfied!  Please let all of your Jersey peeps know about it!!
Thursdays 5:30pm at CAN DO Fitness in Edgewater, NJ.  
Saturdays 10:30am at Club H Fitness in Jersey City, NJ   

Now, onto Turkey thoughts....WITH DISCIPLINE I AM FREE TO BE A HAPPIER, HEALTHIER ME!  This is one of the lines from this month's series called SHINE!  Thanksgiving is one of my favorite holidays because it really is about family and food!  Lots of family and lots of food!  The temptation to overeat and drink too much while in the comfort of our loved ones is just too hard to pass up!  And so for many years I didn't.  I would let myself indulge and enjoy.  Hey it's just one day, right?  What would then happen next is that I would go into a food coma and fall asleep and miss out family time:(  Oh, and I work retail so Black Friday is always a big day for me, so being lethargic the day after was never a good move!  And I always regretted it!

So this year, I will practice discipline by taking my time tasting and enjoying my food and not eating as if I'm in a race falsely believing that if I eat too slow all the good stuff will run out and I'll miss out!  No, that never happens because every year there's always too much food leftover anyway!  Also, I will be present to my family.  I intend on showing up and having a meaningful experience versus just going through the motions.  I intend to honor the true meaning of the day, by giving thanks for all of the blessing in my life.  I am excited because my Mom will be in town, and it will be the first Thanksgiving in 4 years that we'll be together!  Don't get me wrong!  I WILL EAT AND ENJOY!! But this time I will be present and I will know when I've had enough.  And there is plenty of Sati before and after Thanksgiving to burn off that Turkey goodness!!  No regrets!!  Aaaahhhhh! 

This week intenSati classes abound!! 

I am teaching at Ripley Grier on Wednesday 11/24 6pm!  I hope you will join me!  It will be my last class there for 2010!!

Also, on Wednesday night at 7:30pm Equinox Park & 33rd with Jolynn Baca members and non-members welcome so please come early and bring ID!

Then on Thanksgiving morning at Equinox Greenwich 10am with Darbi Worley!  Again, members and non-members welcome...just come early with ID. What a great way to start the day!

And for you Boston peeps, on Sat 11/27 Equinox Back Bay intensati with Natalia Pertzela at 9:30 am, 10:30 core. $25 for non-members.  Don't miss this special event!!

Happy Thanksgiving to you all!!!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010


That's the word supermodel, Iman, used to describe intenSati on yesterday's episode of the Wendy Williams show!  See link below to watch the clip.  FUN!!

One of the main ideas behind intenSati is "thoughts become things"!!  And our actions, therefore, are our beliefs in motion.  So rather than looking out and blaming external factors for your circumstances, can you instead look within and examine your beliefs about your self and your dreams?  It's not as easy to do, but it sure is much more empowering!  When we align our thoughts and attitudes, taking action toward our dreams becomes easier to do!  It's not just what we do that matters!  It's what we believe about ourselves that matter more!  It all starts with our thoughts.  In intenSati we challenge our old, limiting beliefs by saying positive affirmations out loud.  We do this to reprogram that inner voice that is full of doubt, fear, worry, regret.  And we practice new thoughts that  empower, inspire, and elevate our being! 

I particularly love the lower body portion of this month's SHINE series:

What I sow is what I reap
All I need is within me
I have the power to choose
To believe in my dreams

With love,

Sati with me either on Thursday 6PM Ripley Grier 520 8th Avenue OR Saturday (this week only) 8AM Powerhouse Gym in Bridgewater, NJ

Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Can you believe it's October? 2010 is going full speed ahead! This past Sunday was 10/10/10. And while I'm sure those numbers have varying meanings to many people, I got to thinking about those numbers and wondered am I living a 10/10/10 in Love, Career, Health? Am I playing big in all 3 areas? Am I pursuing my dreams wholeheartedly with passion, excitement, and enthusiasm? To be honest the answer is no, I am not! I know exactly where I am playing big and where I have been playing small! However, I am committing to playing full out for the rest of 2010 in the above mentioned areas! Over the next few days I am calling in clarity as I set my intentions by remembering WHY I want what I want in the above areas. I am calling in peace of mind as I accept and embrace where I am today as the starting point for this journey, reminding myself that my power is in the present moment. I will then be putting together an action plan that is best suited to have me feeling, and being my best self. This is a tall order I know. And I am willing to go for it with a full knowing that what I want is already here for me! And this I believe.

How about you? What areas of your life are you going after and are you ready to achieve greater success and confidence? The decision to go for greatness takes courage and a lot of heart! The great thing about this is that I am not alone and neither are you! In intenSati we affirm our willingness to take responsibility for our lives and by doing so we lift ourselves up! And when we are uplifted, we consequently uplift and inspire others around as too! This is why people love coming to an intenSati class! We actually refer to it as a Practice. It is a way of being. Deliberately choosing our thoughts, emotions and actions to manifest our dreams takes practice and lots of love. If this sounds good to you, then do yourself a favor and show up for yourself! Show up to be inspired by inspiring someone else!

So how about it? Are you willing to go for your 10/10/10 in 2010? Join me and other powerful Sati Warriors every Thursday 6pm at Ripley Grier at 520 8th Avenue bet 36th/37th St. Class is $15 or 4 for $50. Want an even better deal? Class is FREE for you if you bring a friend who has never SATI'ed before!

Much Love to You!

This month we are doing the ABUNDANCE series! I have posted the words on my FB group intenSati with Triccia Wall.

***Still some spots left for this Sunday's Warrior Body Urban Retreat. Join intenSati creator, Patricia Moreno and HG Life Coaching for a special one day urban retreat this Sunday, Oct 17th! I attended one of these in April of '08 and since that day, I knew my life would never be the same!!

Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Abundance is the WORD

This Fall season what are you wanting?  What are you expecting?  And are you allowing all good to come to you? 

You see, it all starts with appreciating what we already have.  When we resonate with what we have achieved or accomplished, and we notice the abundance already in our lives, we magnify that energy and the Universe brings forth to us more of the same!  The fall season is about harvesting our experiences from the spring season of goals and the summer season of activities!  So take a moment to acknowledge what is all around you.  Take a moment to be and feel contentment knowing that divine order has been established and you are exactly where you are supposed to be right now.

This idea is so close to my heart right now.  I was feeling disappointed about not getting a regularly scheduled class at Equinox for Oct/Nov/Dec.  How it works is they put out schedules on a quarterly basis.  So any sort of teaching I do at Equinox will be on a substitute basis, for now.  So I thought about it and I realize the disappointment I was feeling is really more about my insecurities and doubts about whether or not I am good enough to be there, good enough to have a class etc.  Thank goodness for Sati, because I actually caught myself with these negative self-defeating thoughts.  You see we are the thinker, we are not the thoughts.  And so I am actively choosing thoughts that empower me.  I know I AM good enough, I AM enough!  I AM ALREADY HIRED!  Duh!!!   I know you must think I'm being silly right now, but I assure you I am not alone:)  I wish I was in class right now to see some of you nodding your heads in agreement because you know you have your own share of silly thoughts about yourself:)  What about you?  What self defeating thoughts or limiting beliefs are keeping you from resonating with your abundance right now?  There's a line in this month's series where we say, I WILL IMPROVE MY MOOD, I WILL CHANGE MY ATTITUDE!  I WILL LIGHTEN UP, I WILL FEEL MUCH BETTER!  So I invite you to do the same!  Join me in class as we resonate with abundant energy!  WHEN I FEEL ABUNDANT, ABUNDANCE FINDS ME!

intenSati with Triccia is Thursdays 6pm at Ripley Grier Studios on 520 8th Avenue bet 36th and 37th Street Room 16K

Well now that all the silliness is out of the way, I want to take some time to celebrate the ABUNDANCE of opportunity for you to take intenSati classes where ever and whenever!  YESS intenSati is THAT GOOD and you need waste no more time and get yourself to class!  IF NOT NOW, WHEN? 

If you are in NYC there are lots of Sati leaders with open guest lists at Equinox! Yes, that means you can come to class without being a member as long as you email ahead of time.  See below:
Mondays 6:30pm 63rd St/Wednesday 7:30pm 33rd St with Jolynn email
Mondays 6:30am at Columbus Circle, Thursdays 6:30am 74th St, Thursdays 9am Greenwich, Sundays 11am 19th St with Darbi, email
Fridays 9am in Brooklyn Heights and Sundays 5:30pm 76th St with Elise email
Saturdays 9am Columbus Circle with Lindsay email

For a complete listing of classes in NYC and everywhere else in the world where intenSati is offered, OR if you simply don't like gyms, please visit

Thursday, August 19, 2010

Thoughts Become Things--Mike Dooley

This month I am reading the book,  Infinite Possibilities: The Art of Living Your Dreams by Mike Dooley.  The author does an excellent job of simplifying the idea that our "thoughts become things."  He says that by directing our thinking, we can direct our experience.  Just in these past couple of weeks, I've had the fortune of putting these ideas to work.  And although scary and nerve-wracking at first, just like anything else, the more I practiced my "new thoughts" the easier it became to Be-Live them! 

For example, just three weeks ago I had never entertained the idea of teaching intenSati at Equinox.  Many of you know that I have been a member there for over a year and a half now and that it is the only gym in NYC that offers intenSati.  So when my friend Nesty asked me if I would teach there at the end of my Sati leader training, I quickly responded, "Oh me? No! No, I'm not that! I'm not that good! People who teach there are the best! They're perfect! I have love handles!"  Yes I said all of those things and probably more!  Nesty who has been coming to my intenSati classes at Ripley Grier couldn't believe what he was hearing and what I was saying, and so he started saying some of our affirmations and series one liners back to me to show me how silly I was.  Thank you Nesty!  I had to admit, he had a point!  The date was Tuesday, July 27th.

Two days later at my intenSati class, I shared with my students my willingness to practice a new thought, to think a new idea which involved me teaching at Equinox.  I was willing to believe differently of myself.  And it felt good.  This was on Thursday, July 29th.

Three days later, I received an email from Patricia Moreno informing me that she included my name on a list of people she was recommending to audition at Equinox.  WHATTTT?  Whoa, Universe that was quick!  The date was Sunday, Aug 1st!

Upon reading Patricia's email, I quickly emailed the person best suited to get me ready for the audition, and made an appointment.  A week later, I had a private coaching session with intenSati premier leader, Erika Shannon.  So giving, and so empowering, Erika reminded me that I HAD what it takes.  She convinced me that I had the power and precision behind my moves, the passion behind my voice, that I am FUN, and that these were all qualities important in getting hired.  Yes, these are all ideas I already believed to be true.  But my doubts were in full effect, which happens whenever I go to the edge of my comfort zone!  Erika's bad ass attitude definitely rubbed off on me, in a positive way of course.  And by the end of that hour, I was READY!  The date was Aug 8th!

Tuesday, Aug 10th I ROCKED THE AUDITION!  I knew I did my best and I walked out of there feeling SUCCESS-full knowing that I had now become someone greater than I was 2 weeks prior.  I now had a different belief about myself.  A more empowering one!  They said we would hear within 2 weeks if we are hired.  I felt awesome!  Whether or not I get hired wasn't as important as who I had become along the process.  My self-imposed limiting beliefs had been lifted.  Aaahhhh!  I BELIEVE IN MY SUCCESS and I WILL KEEP THE FAITH! 

Tuesday, Aug 17th, email from Mark Hendricks--I GOT THE JOB!!!  Whew-HOO!!!  YESSSS! 

Thoughts Become Things!  By directing our minds, we direct our experience! 

In intenSati, we use our mind as our source of power!  We are FREE to CHOOSE what we see.  And we have FAITH that it is all working out....One of my favorite affirmations that Patricia uses, "When I honor myself, the world shifts around me."

Hope to see you tonight at 520 Ripley Grier!  Life is GOOD!  Let's CELEBRATE!

With Love,

Tuesday, July 27, 2010

My intenSati FIRSTS

July so far has been full of new experiences for me.  I vowed at the beginning of the month to do many things that would make me feel uncomfortable while enjoying myself during the process.  I wanted to have to be alert, aware, and present.  No auto-pilot here.  So every single week for the past 4 weeks I did at least one thing out of the ordinary.  Here's a list of some of my "intenSati Firsts."

1. Led intenSati at Lululemon Athletica in Houston, TX.  It was my first time leading in Lululemon and that particular store's first experience with intenSati.  Only 1 out of 25 people that were there had taken the class before so there were lots of Firsts!  Also, my parents and other family members came to watch and it was their First time seeing what this was about, my First time doing it in front of them.  I was nervous in the beginning, but the more I smiled the better I felt.  My mom did a great job videotaping parts of the class which I've posted on my intenSati with Triccia group page on Facebook.  Make sure you check it out!
2. A few days after that I subbed an intenSati class at Powerhouse Gym in Bridgewater, NJ for the beautiful and amazing Tiffany Knight.  Check out her blog There were over 30 people and it was so exhilarating and I loved every minute of it!  It was my First time in a gym environment and I now know in my heart that I want to lead intenSati classes at health clubs.  And so I will!  Watch out world, here I come!!  The options are endless and it is so exciting! 
3.  A few days after, I led a class during a Lululemon trunk show at Core, Mind, and Body  a Pilates studio in Maplewood, NJ.  I did have some students who lived in the area and so it was comforting to see their familiar faces, and it was equally thrilling to meet those who were going to be taking the class for the First time.  Throughout the class there was that essence of discovery.  There were many moments during the class when different people would have that look on their face of "wow, this is great! I feel great! I am strong!  I am Unstoppable!" There were breakthroughs!  It was beautiful!
4. Tonight I led a class for the You Can Thrive organization, a non-profit integrative wellness group helping breast cancer survivors reduce symptoms and gain survivorship tools.  It was my First time leading a class where I had to modify each move.  After rehearsing it in my head, in was actually easier than I thought.  It was amazing to witness these women claiming their power, sticking to it, being survivors and proving that they were unstoppable!    I am so inspired and honored to be a part of this.  They kept thanking me at the end of class, but in reality I cannot thank them enough....These classes will continue through the month of August.  Class is FREE for cancer patients, survivors, caretakers and YCT volunteers.  The class is open to the public for a $10 donation towards the YCT organization.  What a great way to support a worthy cause.  Join me on Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm at the Sandra Cameron Dance Center at 199 Lafayette St in Soho.

What a month it's been so far!  And I feel as though I am just getting warmed up!  This is just the beginning and I am certain that the more I go to the edge of my comfort zone, the more I grow, the stronger I get.  And with each new endeavor, my courage and confidence in myself and my life grows.  And so does my appreciation of my life and of others.  As a result, my classes are growing thanks to you and your enthusiasm.  Please keep telling your friends and your family about this amazing practice.  Share it with them.  Remember class is $10 and FREE for you if you bring a friend who will be taking intenSati for the FIRST time!

There's no better time than the present to do something for the First time!  If not now, when?

This week is the last week of the UNSTOPPABLE series!  Join me Wednesdays and Thursdays at 520 Ripley Grier Studios 6-7PM. 

If you are not in the NYC area, join I Love IntenSati on Facebook for information on classes and special events in your area.  Also check out the schedule on

Tuesday, July 20, 2010

Are you willing to feel Great?

Based on my Sati Leader homework for this month, I challenged myself to repeat the following affirmation first thing every morning. 

“Today I choose to embrace my life, all others and myself exactly as we are. My goal is to feel great today.” 

What I am noticing is that on days when I'm really hard on myself, I am also being hard on others.  Simply put, when I am feeling great and appreciative of my life, I am more accepting of everyone else around me too.  I am realizing that I really do project my inner thoughts and feelings onto the outside world and that is what I experience.  In the intensati warm up we say, "Every day in a very true way, I co-create my reality..."  We begin each class with these words as a reminder that we are responsible for our experience no matter how good or how bad they may be.  Put another way, what we think about and how we feel about ourselves will affect our relationships, our experience, and ultimately the quality of our lives.  And so if I want to have a great day, I begin by setting the intention to feel great.  Sounds simple right?  Well it is.  IF you choose it.


Since our Minds are our source of either power or pain, I want to reflect on a particular line in this  month's series where we say, " I have will power now, all negative thoughts can stop right now!"  Practicing Sati, a Buddhist term meaning "mindfulness" or constant presence of mind, means being aware of your thoughts as you are thinking them.  It means being able to choose a different thought when the one you are currently thinking is not bringing you the results you DESIRE.  And this takes DISCIPLINE.  It takes WILL-POWER and SELF-CONTROL to change your perspective.  If you are not achieving what you want to achieve in a particular area of your life, ask yourself what old habit or old thinking may be keeping you stuck.  And are you willing to do or think differently?  Are you willing to change your mind?   A good indication of whether or not your thoughts are working for you and not against you is to pay attention to how you are feeling while you are thinking them.  Are you stressed? Tense? Experiencing pain of some sort?  Or do you feel light, energetic, boundless? 


This month I am reading You Can Heal Your Life by Louise Hay and I highly recommend it for anyone who is willing to have a breakthrough.  If you are tired of not going for something because you are living in fear or failure or rejection, or you are worried it may not work out so you're full of self doubt, surprise yourself and DO IT anyway!!  And then do it again.  It only gets easier each time!  Only you have the power to set yourself free, to reach for your highest potential, and to be


IntenSati with Triccia is on Wednesdays and Thursdays 6-7pm.  Class is $10 or $40/6 and FREE if you bring a friend who has never taken intenSati before.  It is at 520 Ripley Grier Studios on 8th Avenue bet 36th and 37th St.  


***For the rest of the summer, we are happily sharing the intenSati practice with You Can Thrive an NYC non profit integrative wellness group helping breast cancer survivors reduce symptoms and gain survivorship and prevention tools.  This class is free of charge for cancer patients, survivors, their caretakers and YCT volunteers, and is open to the public for a donation of $10 which will go towards this worthy organization.  Classes will be on Tuesdays 5:30-6:30pm at the Sandra Cameron Dance Studio Center on 199 Lafayette St bet Kenmare and Broome.  I will be teaching on July 27th, Aug 17th, 24th and 31st. 

Many of you have been coming to class regularly and I see you are getting better and better in every way!  You are expressing more confidence in your moves and your voices are getting louder!  I am loving our time together so thank YOU!!   


ARE YOU WILLING TO FEEL GREAT?  IF NOT NOW, WHEN???  Check out for class schedules and special events in your area.  




Sunday, July 4, 2010

Thank You

The greatest gift I continue to receive from the intenSati practice is the opening of my heart.  I literally feel myself unfolding, blossoming with every class I take with intenSati creator, Patricia Moreno, and top leaders, Natalia M.P., Erika Shannon, Erin Stutland, Betsy Cast, and Lindsay Davis.  It is a truly beautiful process and I am grateful each time for each leaders' courage.  Class after class they allow their vulnerabilities to come through as they share their journeys with us.  As many of you may know, this is more than just a fitness class.  It is a total transformative experience that unifies your heart, body, and mind. 

What is just as inspiring to me is the experience of watching someone else unfold...And that's what I get to witness every time I teach this powerful practice.  Different affirmations impact different people at different times.  And no matter what each individual's intention may be, there is a definite energy shift that takes place in the room every time someone goes to the edge of their comfort zone and experiences a breakthrough.  At the end of each intenSati class, I am overwhelmed by the gratitude that is extended to me by the beautiful Warriors.  I am fulfilled as I watch everyone feeling much lighter, more joyous, and more confident in themselves. 

As I begin my 5th month of leader training, I want to express the gratitude and appreciation I FEEL for the Ahhhhh-mazing souls who come to class and share that hour of power with me.  THANK YOU!  I am honored that you allow me to bring the gifts of this practice to you, and for your willingness to choose a different way of thinking, a different way of exercising, a different way of having fun while loving and caring for yourselves.  I am blessed. Because of you, I continue to give my very best and my best keeps getting better.  Thank you.
***ONLY ONE CHANCE for intenSati with Triccia THIS WEEK!  See you Wednesday, July 7th at 6pm at 520 Ripley Grier for the debut of the "Unstoppable" series.  There will be no Thursday class.  I will be in Houston, TX visiting with my family and spreading the Sati love to Houston Warriors!  To stay updated with all Sati related news and events, please join the I love intenSati page on Facebook. 


I have willpower now
All negative thoughts can stop right now
I am unstoppable now
Watch me
I have faith now
Fear so what
Worry so what
Obstacles so what
I will do it anyway
Yes, I'm committed, yes
I like, I like it, I really, really like it
I am focused
I am grateful
I feel great

I am powerful now
I can handle it
I am grateful now
I can handle it
I am courageous now
I can handle it
I am loving now
I can handle it


For the next 30 days I will be starting my day with the following thought, and I challenge you to do the same:   

“Today I choose to embrace my life, all others and myself exactly as we are. My goal is to feel great today.”  

With love,



Monday, June 28, 2010

As I practice thinking better-feeling thoughts and get better and better at choosing which perspective I will go with, the Emotional Guidance Scale is a helpful tool that I use in determining if I am headed in the right, downstream direction.  Getting from depression to joy or love doesn’t happen overnight and it’s important to acknowledge the process and feel appreciation or relief for wherever I am in my journey.  When I am focused on not having what I want, and I am worrying, or complaining (all upstream) I am not relaxing, and therefore not allowing the physical part of me to feel good and therefore missing out on the things that are working in my favor.  When I am thinking these upstream thoughts, such as thoughts based on doubt, worry, fear, shame, blame, I am not allowing myself to get into the stream of well-being.  By focusing on what I want and choosing downstream thoughts, or thoughts that help me feel better I allow myself to go toward the direction of my well-being, which is my natural state of being. 

Over two years ago, after going through a break up, I came upon this scale and took inventory of where I was in the area of romance/relationships.  At that time, I was doubtful and pessimistic about ever finding my dream partner.  I thought it was too hard, too late, and too painful to try again.  Today, I feel very differently.  I feel hopeful, optimistic, ready, and open.  I know that what I want in a relationship exists in abundance and I am in eager anticipation.  I believe that what I want is here now and I am at peace within.  This feels so good to me.  In fact, I don’t remember ever feeling this way before.  Today I feel complete.  And what a feeling it is!!

In this month's intenSati series, CARPE DIEM, we say, "Yes, I will seize the day and I will act now."   We focus our thoughts positively on our intentions.  By affirming our readiness, willingness and determination to "stop worrying right now," we release the upstream/resistant thoughts and we allow ourselves to lighten up and relax with a knowing that what we want is on its way.  Lining up our intentions/thoughts with our emotions lets us take inspired action and therefore produces the results that we want.  In intenSati we remind ourselves that we are doing our best, and our best keeps getting better.  We acknowledge that practice makes the Master and we are co-creators of our lives.  By doing our best and appreciating and accepting where we are, we lighten up and allow for improvement with our physical movements.  As we build the confidence and courage to speak louder and move bigger, we inevitably grow and expand not just physically, but also spiritually.  intenSati is a workout that not only puts emphasis on our physical movements, but trains our spiritual, non-physical part of us, by focusing attention on our emotions/attitudes.  The result is a total physical, spiritual, emotional transformation.

In what area of your life are you blocked?  Do you find yourself thinking upstream thoughts about this area?  What happens when you shift your perspective and let go?  What better feeling thoughts/downstream thoughts can you choose to focus on instead?  For more on upstream versus downstream thoughts, see this video.  Use the scale below to map your progress.

The Emotional Guidance Scale
1.     Joy/Appreciation/Empowered/Freedom/Love
2.     Passion
3.     Enthusiasm/Eagerness/Happiness
4.     Positive Expectation/Belief
5.     Optimism
6.     Hopefulness
7.     Contentment
8.     Boredom
9.     Pessimism
10.     Frustration/Irritation/Impatience
11.     Overwhelment
12.     Disappointment
13.     Doubt
14.     Worry
15.     Blame
16.     Discouragement
17.     Anger
18.     Revenge
19.     Hatred/Rage
20.     Jealousy
21.     Insecurity/Guilt/Unworthiness
22.     Fear/Grief/Depression/Despair/Powerlessness

From the book “Ask and It is Given”, pg. 114

This is the last week for the Carpe Diem series.  See you Wednesday and Thursday 6pm at Ripley Grier on 520 8th Avenue.

Will You Seize The Day?

With Love,

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Feeling Lighthearted

I can't stop smiling right now.  I've been reading the book The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide and just came upon Example 13, titled I Cannot Find a Mate.  As I've shared before, I declared 2010 as the year I will allow myself to be in my ideal romantic relationship.  I had been plagued by old doubts, worries, hurts and had really blocked myself from moving forward in the direction of my dreams when it came to this area of my life.  As a result, I had set up my reality to match my doubtful and negative vibrations and produced the opposite of my desires.   Yes, I maintained a one-sided, poor excuse of a relationship set up on convenience and non-commitment.  And kept it going for far too long!  But I let that go with 2009 and I forgive myself!  (Exhale)

Over the course of the last year and a half, I have and continue to develop the focus to reach for better feeling thoughts with the practice of intenSati.  And I am getting better and better at it.  Early this year I decided that no matter what, I will go forward in the direction of my dreams and manifest new and different realities!  In this book, better feeling thoughts are referred to as downstream thoughts.  The opposite of that is upstream.  I'm not a very good swimmer, yet I know that swimming downstream takes less energy and effort on my part and can get me to my desired destination much quicker.  

I used to only think upstream thoughts, such as "It's hard to find the right person." 

And right now at this moment, I am smiling because while reading this section of the book I feel really good!  I am now aligned with downstream, better feeling thoughts!  Thoughts such as, "I'm enjoying exploring my options," or "My picture of my life partner has grown out of the relationships I've had over the years," or "Every experience in life adds to the evolution of our ideas and desires."  Yes!  I can't stop smiling:)  What I want is here in great abundance!

In my intenSati class this month, we affirm our dreams and focus on our desires instead of worrying or complaining about what we don't yet have.  Yes!  What I want is on its way and it's coming to me in greater amounts than I can ever imagine!  I have faith and trust that it is here now.  And all I have to do is allow....I feel lighthearted and grateful.  (Exhale)

Carpe Diem:
YES! I will seize the day 
I will act now 
Everyday is a new day
My life is passing and it will not wait
I am ready to stop worrying 
I am willing to stop worrying
I am determined to stop worrying
Right now
I will challenge myself
To reach for something better
No worries no regrets 
Ah! I feel much better
I am free now
Carpe diem!

All I need
Is to discipline
My attention
And be grateful
That I have
The power
To choose

See you in class Wednesday and Thursday 6PM at Ripley Grier Studios on 520 8th Avenue in NYC.

With Love,

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I challenge myself to reach for something better!

As part of my Sati Leader training curriculum, I am reading the book The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide by Abraham Hicks.  The title already explains a lot, but I highly recommend this book if you want to feel better about your life, your body, your relationships, your career, your home, anything!  Just this past week there have been several people in my life, friends, co-workers, and family who have asked me these questions:
"How did you do it?" 
"What did you do?" 
"How can I get there?"
And my response is always the same.  "Just choose a better feeling thought."  I first heard those words in an intensati class and it took quite a few more times of hearing it for the true meaning to sink in.  It's not just the thoughts that we think, but the feelings/emotions we have with the thought that really creates the change within us.  I think most people would agree that we are action driven beings and we are so used to taking action when we want to improve something.  And with the power of positive thinking, more and more people have figured out that the thoughts we think about ourselves really do matter as well.  But not many have figured out that so much of our success depends on how we FEEL.  And that feeling good, feeling happy will produce more of the same.  And feeling the opposite of good and happy, will also produce more of the same. 

In intenSati we practice choosing our thoughts, choosing our attitude, choosing our actions that allow us to deliberately co-create or manifest our best intentions.  All three have to be in alignment.  So while keeping this in mind, do you challenge yourself to reach for something better?  No worries, no regrets do you feel better?

To get better and better at feeling better, join me for intenSati with Triccia every Wednesdays and Thursdays at 6pm at Ripley Grier Studios on 520 8th Ave bet 36th and 37th Streets.  Class is $10.  Bring a friend and you take it for FREE!

On Sunday, June 20th 4-6pm join Patricia at PureYoga for a YogaSati and Meditation Workshop

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

Happy June!

Hi Everyone!

I hope everyone had a fantastic holiday weekend in remembrance of those who have died in our nation's service. 

I spent the entire weekend upstate in my hometown of Monroe, NY.  If you've ever shopped at the Woodbury Commons Premium Outlets, it is in the town I grew up in and I went to middle school and high school across the street from the outlets!  Hmmm, that is probably one of the reasons I ended up with a career in retail!  Anyway, it had been a long time since I was around family so I indulged and enjoyed every minute of it.  I had some Filipino breakfast food for dinner (soo good it's sooo bad for you), BBQ's, beer (had 5 total for the whole weekend), saw SATC2 and Prince of Persia (love Jake Gyllenhaal), watched 2 movies on TV (some of you know I don't watch TV at all) and got lots of hugs and kisses from my 9 and 7 yr old nephews.  I even ate ice-cream every day.  I actually found Purely Decadent coconut milk-based, non dairy, vegan, organic ice cream at Shop-Rite in Monroe believe it or not!  Oh and of course I even got gym time in!  And I got to go in the neighbor's pool yesterday too!  It was a perfect weekend to do a bunch of things I don't normally get to do (except the gym).

The only thing from my "normal routine" that I did every single day that I was there, was starting each day with the Morning Ah Meditations.  I had warned everyone there that I would be doing this so they knew what it would be in case they heard the sounds of my Ahhs.  So for 3 mornings, while in a house full of people I put my headphones on and did 20 minutes of Ah's with Wayne Dyer every morning.  Ah is the sound of creation, the sound of Joy, as Wayne Dyer says.  And if you are willing, go ahead and do the Ah's every morning.  We will be doing these in class starting this week.  I've posted the links for FREE youtube downloads on my intenSati with Triccia group page on Facebook. 

Despite the beautiful weekend I had, I was thrilled to get back to my normal routine.  It was nice to get back to work today and catch up with everyone there.  I think it's a blessing that I love my job and the people I work with, that I actually miss everyone there whenever I go away.  It was nice that I got to take Patricia's class tonight alongside many wonderful Sati Leaders and Warriors.  And it is nice that I'm sitting here planning my classes for the next 2 days!  Many of you already know that I have added a class on Thursday nights at 6pm.  So starting this week, I am teaching on Wednesdays AND Thursdays and I couldn't be happier about it!  So I hope to see as many of you as possible!

The new series we will be doing this month is called Carpe Diem.

YES! I will seize the day 
I will act now 
Everyday is a new day
My life is passing and it will not wait
I am ready to stop worrying 
I am willing to stop worrying
I am determined to stop worrying
Right now
I will challenge myself
To reach for something better
No worries no regrets 
Ah! I feel much better
I am free now
Carpe diem!

All I need
Is to discipline
My attention
And be grateful
That I have
The power
To choose


Join Patricia Moreno at Unity of New York Sunday June 6th at 11am.  Patricia will be the guest speaker and she will be leading an intenSati demo, and yours truly will be one of the Sati Leaders on stage:)  It is located on 95th and Broadway.

Want to train to be an intenSati leader.  The next leader training is June 7-11th in NYC. Go to or email me at for more specifics!  I absolutely love being an intenSati leader and this training truly has helped bring out all of the Beauty in my Life.

FREE Outdoor intenSati at Bryant Park with Premier Leader, Natalia on Tuesday, June 8th 10am at 41st bet 5th and 6th.  See you there!

It is already June!  2010 is almost halfway done!  How will you sieze the day?  Carpe Diem!


Wednesday, May 12, 2010

Today I Choose

Many of you know I manage a flagship store in NYC. One of the things I love about my job is how quickly I see positive results once someone shifts their perception about themselves and about their business. I get to see MIRACLES take place every single day! And I LOVE that!
I have a team of 19 commissioned sales people, and that has its own challenges especially in the past couple of years with the state of the economy. As an entrepreneur, I know it starts with me and that my success depends on what I Choose to See on a daily, moment by moment basis. This is one of the ideas I speak about quite often. And I see that many of them are listening. The ones that lighten up, that expect only the best situations, and detach themselves from things outside of their control are the ones who get the most positive results.
Because of this, I see more and more of them building their muscle to CHOOSE their thoughts, attitudes, and actions. There are success stories all day long, everyday. As a result, business is on an upswing and the store, well, let's just say I cannot think of a better place to shop! And I can say this with full confidence knowing that every person in there is committed not just to their craft, but with open hearts they are now able to connect with their customers with a genuine appreciation that could only produce positive, productive results!

Today I choose
What I want to see
I look for the best
I leave all the rest
When I lighten up
I feel much better
I am now becoming
Who I want to be
My desire is strong
I am enough
I now believe
I have all that I need

I choose
to focus
On the good
I desire
I am grateful
I have faith
What I want
Is on it's way

Can't wait to see you in class! intenSati with Triccia is every Wednesdays 6PM at 520 Ripley Grier bet 36th and 37th Streets. Class is $10 or $40/6pack. FREE if you bring a newbie friend!

This weekend only, for my Northern California peeps, intenSati creator, Patricia Moreno, will be visiting various Equinox gyms and doing book signings for her book, The intenSati Method: Seven Secret Principles to Thinner Peace. Join I Love intenSati fan page for more details.

And tired of dating? Join me this Sunday for a one day workshop with the Handel Group Life Coaches for "Finding The One"
Mention TRICCIA and save $50.

Thursday, May 6, 2010

Honoring My Worth: An Ongoing Journey

I just finished watching a video Know~ING Your Worth by Gabrielle Bernstein, author of the book ADD MORE ing TO YOUR LIFE: A Hip Guide to Happiness.  It was perfect timing for me to see it! I just had my review at work a couple of weeks ago and it was my best one yet! And I did get the maximum raise.  Ironically it was the smallest amount I've ever gotten because of the state of the economy. I work for a retailer in NYC and have definitely felt the effects of the recession. So I didn't negotiate for a higher raise this time, even though I have in the past. But it is clear to me that I am exceeding expectations and am very much worth more than what I got monetarily.  I truly love the work that I do and the people I work with.  I have been there for 12 years and have grown and developed into who I am today, in huge part due to the wonderfully supportive environment that my career provides.  I am a store manager by job title.  In truth, I am a spiritual leader and I coach people on how to lead happier lives by empowering them to be the cause, and not the effect of their circumstances.  I lead commissioned sales people who successfully meet and exceed their goals by nurturing meaningful relationships with their customers.  I lead customer service professionals who make it their mission to provide care and immediate comfort when things don't go as planned.  I lead a team of managers who are committed to giving their best to the store and rely on me for guidance and mentor-ship.  I teach them how to lead from their hearts, from a place of inspiration.  As a result, our store morale is at an all time high.  And for me, well I get a lot of fulfillment watching them realize their dreams and experience success. 

However, since my review there have been moments when I have felt resentful about my raise.  And then I shift my thoughts by telling myself that it's ok.   And when I do this I'm not so sure I am honoring my worth.  I'm not sure that I am not just playing small and letting fear or doubt get in the way...But for now, I release this thought.  

On another note, I have started to earn money doing something else that I truly love and enjoy outside of my full time job.  I am helping others feel better about their lives, their bodies, their health.  I have recently started teaching intenSati classes in NYC and I am loving it! And I am committed to this practice and to my students.  I got my certification back in February, and it took some time, but I finally got over the fear of not being good enough (again questioning my worth) to start teaching and I now have a regular teaching schedule which I hope to add to real soon.  Already I am seeing how this practice is helping people shift their thoughts and their beliefs about themselves in order to know their worth and own it.  I see my students taking action from a place of love versus worry or fear.  It really, really works!  My life changed with this practice and I want more than anything to share this with other people.  And this is the reason I wanted to start teaching in the first place.  And according to Abraham in the book Money, and the Law of Attraction: Learning to Attract Wealth, Health, and Happiness "There is no better way to earn money than to do the things that you love to do.  Money can flow into your experience through endless avenues."

Watching Gabrielle's video (by the way, Gabrielle is also a certified intenSati leader) today reminded me that I too, still have a lot of work to do regarding knowing my worth, and that it is an ongoing journey.

When we don't connect with ourselves and to the power within us, it is easy to allow fear, doubt, and worry to take over.  And that is when we justify playing small, or staying in our current situations even when we know and feel that there is something better out there.  But by bringing Sati or awareness to our thoughts, by being mindful of our emotions we are better able to connect to the Love that is within, and only then are we able to honor the greatness that is us.
If you are in NYC, join intenSati creator Patricia Moreno Friday, May 7th 6:30PM at the TSalon in NYC as she discusses How to Honor Yourself in order to live a life you love in a body you love.  Patricia is the author of the book The IntenSati Method: The Seven Secret Principles to Thinner Peace

If you are a woman, and know other women who want to know more about Know~ING Your Worth, join Gabrielle's website for more on this conversation.  


Wednesday, April 28, 2010

I am Loving Right Now!

WHEW-HOO!!!!! Class tonight was amazing!!! I am still on Cloud 9:)

I had 16 wonderful friends come and the energy everyone brought tonight was really incredible! Only 5 people had ever taken intenSati before (all have been to Patricia's class) and the rest were brand new to the practice.

Every intenSati class begins with an Intro. Here is when the leader defines the practice of intenSati and then discusses the series/affirmations for that particular class. For the Powerful Now series, I shared my deepest desires of finding love and cultivating a beautiful relationship. I really put myself out there, and allowed my vulnerability to come through. The majority of those that were there tonight are people I work with. They are used to seeing me as powerful, confident and sure of myself. And to admit that I actually am so fearful of getting hurt, to admit that I have such deep rooted negative thoughts about relationships and love, to admit that I really do want more but I've been selling myself short by not taking any chances and keeping myself from moving forward was a big step for me! I told them that I am committed now to knowing and owning my worth and I am declaring out loud that I can have it all! After all, intenSati is the practice of focusing on what you want, instead of complaining about what you don't yet have. There were some tears....Oh my goodness, what a release!

Midway through the upper body part, the music cut out and it never came back on. (Next time I will check the boom box better) Well, it really didn't matter! We persevered and kept on working hard and enjoying ourselves. We laughed whenever I messed up and we laughed whenever someone else messed up:) It was so awesome to mess up and then to get everyone back in sync!! I could see how proud everyone was of themselves and of each other!

Everything else flowed nicely for the lower body and the meditation. The floors got wet!!!! That was sooo awesome!! People were slipping during the lower body portion because the floors were actually wet!!! (Those that have been to class know that this is a great thing) I am elated!!!


I am so sure that I am supposed to be doing this....This feels sooo right to me! And it is just the beginning....

Sunday, April 25, 2010

I am Powerful NOW

For those of you who practice the Law of Attraction, you've probably heard of Abraham.  One of the first things I read every morning is Abraham's Daily Quotes.  This past Friday's really resonated with me.  It said, "The main event has never been the manifestation; the main event has always been the way you feel moment by moment, because that's what life is."

While it's simple to understand, the idea of LIFE as something that is happening RIGHT NOW is quite difficult to embody.  Often times we are waiting for that main event--be it a better job, a new lover, more money, a house, a thinner body, better clients, new curtains, a new car, a sunny day, a new year, a diploma, a new haircut, better health, whatever it may be there are lots of external things we base our happiness on.  We say that all would be well, if only we had any or even all of the above. 

So then we work hard to get those external things, only to get them and realize that there's still a void, still something missing.  Or the opposite could be true.  We may believe we will never find a better job, a lover, or make more money, or be thin, NEVER so why bother trying.  Ugh!  Either way, it's so exhausting isn't it?  Why bother getting up and starting over if every day ends the same way it started??

Well, the reason why Abraham's quote really hit me is because it's a reminder that my life is happening right now.  It's not stuck in yesterday's drama and it's not waiting for tomorrow's what-ifs!  With every breath I am bringing forth new energy, creating new thoughts, dreaming up new visions and taking new action right now!  And it's the remembering of this Truth that allows me to appreciate my life as a journey.  And it's this knowing, this faith that all is well even when I am in the midst of experiencing what appears as setbacks that cause discomfort.  It is actually the discomfort that is signaling my readiness to grow and expand and become more powerful. 

This is why I love intenSati We speak affirmations that empower our thoughts, attitudes and actions.  It is the practice of commanding our thoughts instead of letting our thoughts take over us.  We speak out loud in the present tense and assume that what we want is here, and it is done.  It is the doing of the affirmations with energy and feeling that creates the healing of our thoughts.

This month's affirmation will be about claiming our POWER NOW.  It's about accepting our power, loving ourselves and giving gratitude for our lives exactly as they are right now.  It's about being ready every moment to bring LOVE, JOY and ABUNDANCE in.  The main event is always happening RIGHT NOW!

Hope to see you in class.  Join my Facebook group intenSati with Triccia for more info regarding my teaching schedule.  And for all things intenSati join i love intenSati

Friday, March 12, 2010

The Power of NEW

I believe people and circumstances show up in our lives when we are ready for them. In the past month alone, so much, almost everything has been NEW. Lots of new routines, new faces, new projects, new challenges, new trainings, new friends, new everything!!! It is really all so exciting and so full of mini victories!!!

So why have I been feeling overwhelmed? Why have I found myself feeling cranky at times? Why didn't I feel well last week? Why have I been eating badly? Well, the answer is simple. I am really, really, really uncomfortable! And I needed to recognize this and appreciate it before I could move on.

This week has been better. After making the important realization that I was about to sabotage myself, I've been meeting each challenge head on with a big smile on my face:) I know that what I am feeling is my natural reaction to fear of the unknown. I know that growing pains are very real and it is much easier to remain in my comfort zone. I also know that MY LIFE IS IN MY HANDS and I am grateful for that.

I began this year with a promise to myself that 2010 will be my BEST YEAR YET. And so far, all of the newness that is here are all manifestations of what I wanted so that I would grow into my BEST SELF YET! And I BELIEVE I WILL SUCCEED. All of the mini victories I celebrate each day are signs that WHAT I WANT IS HERE. I am COMMITTED. I know this is my time, and I know I AM READY.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

So as expected March is off to a roaring start!

This past week at work I conducted 6 one hour workshops for 35 C&B sales associates to discuss the importance of Being Ready or Getting your Act Together before hitting the sales floor AND Delivering Opening Lines that encourage conversations. Wow!! They were the highlight of my week. All of the laughs, stories, techniques they shared with each other reminded me of how truly special our store is and the culture is deeply rooted and very much alive! And there were multiple comments on how much they liked the combined trainings that included Housewares and Furniture associates. In the next 4 weeks I will be conducting at least 30 more of these sessions that will also cover the rest of the selling skills. The store is celebrating 15 yrs on Madison Avenue and I am confident this year will be our BEST YEAR YET!!

I also taught my first intenSati class on Tuesday evening in Jersey City. It was amazing. I had 4 people in class and they rocked it! All of them had never taken class before and only 1 knew what it was about. But they were READY, WILLING, and ABLE and that made all the difference! They spoke the affirmations out loud immediately with no hesitation and pushed their bodies past their limits. I managed to time everything well and class was just a little over an hour. It felt like heaven to lead such a powerful experience and to see the smiles on their faces. They loved it so much we are doing it again next week. I am honored to be able to bring this practice to so many more people. Already I am getting requests to teach class in NYC. I am working on manifesting studio space within the next week. And IT IS DONE, IT IS DONE. I AM GRATEFUL...

I have more than usual on my lists of things to do this month. Too many to list here right now. On more than one occasion I was overwhelmed and a bit cranky too until I reminded myself to take it week by week, day by day, moment by moment. I am DOING MY BEST and that is good enough! And when I stop and take notice of how much I love the results of everything I am doing, and the positive effects they are having on people around me I am re-energized. I am in JOY. And I know that everything on my plate right now is there because I AM READY, IT IS MY TIME.

Saturday, February 20, 2010

I'm officially a Sati Leader! Wow!

Exactly a year ago this time, I was getting ready to participate in the very first Warrior Challenge--a 30 day event that required all participants to take at least 3 Sati classes/week. I remember feeling so excited about this class because I loved the idea of saying positive affirmations out loud during a workout. But I was also intimidated by the huge crowds of people and the amazing STRENGTH and POWER they displayed. My competitive nature wanted to not only keep up, but I wanted to hit every move with CONFIDENCE and be able to say all the right words at the right times. I remember I stood somewhere in the back for the first few intenSati classes. Well, maybe more than a few. I do know that before the 30 days were over, I somehow had managed to make my way towards the front of the class, usually to the right of Patricia Moreno. I can't help but smile during class and I love being able to look at the people next to me, and behind me, and see them smile back:) Doing this practice for 30 days brought back a lot of DISCIPLINE into my life. More importantly, I really valued the sense of community and camaraderie. From the very beginning, I sensed the warmth and COMPASSION that was present. At the beginning of each class, people were hugging each other hello, introducing themselves to someone new, sharing experiences, etc. It felt really genuine, really nice, really engaged. So when the WARRIOR challenge ended, I made a decision to join Equinox so that I could continue taking intenSati.

So much goodness has come out of this past year. On so many levels, in all areas, I began taking on more and more RESPONSIBILITY FOR MY LIFE. My sense of AWARE-ness became heightened and I became better and better at CHOOSE-ing my THOUGHTS, ATTITUDES, ACTIONS. It became clear to me that we are creatures of habit and get easily stuck in a pattern unless we own our thoughts and choose only ones that empower us. I began feeling better on the inside. And my physical body was also transforming. The synergy created between heart, body and mind in this practice is unlike anything I have ever experienced before. I COMMITTED to doing it and began telling anyone and everyone about it! I even brought many people to the gym with me to experience it. One of them was my cousin, Cristina. After one session, she suggested that I should be a Leader with a long list of explanations why. I liked the idea of it. But a negative self-defeating habit called "doubt" kicked in and I dismissed it just as quickly.

Over the next few months, I got better and better and my best kept getting better. I really started to explore the idea of becoming a Leader and liked it more and more. But wondered, if I really had the time to do it with a full plate already as it was. More people were showing up in my life, more circumstances presented themselves that were all pointing to me going for this idea. I realized that little seed of thought that my cousin planted a while ago had blossomed into a full blown DESIRE! My friends and other Sati Leaders were all pushing me to go for it!

Fast forward to today! I just completed the 5 day intensive Leader Training and it feels amazing! I met some of the most amazing women and we shared our stories, our deepest selves. It was beautiful. It was heartful. By the end of the fifth day, we were definitely connected. We all felt an incredible sense of accomplishment. Wow!!! And although new, the friendships we formed our grounded deep within our souls.

And for me, it had been so long since I worked hard for something I really, really, really, really wanted! The training took a lot of COMMITMENT and COURAGE and FOCUS. And now I am READY, WILLING, and ABLE to lead a class! How cool is that!!!! It's so cool because I want to share this with as many people as possible! I want to help people feel better. I want to help them get stronger in every way and to realize their potentials. I want to remind others what I remembered while doing this practice: to ALLOW good things to happen and to BELIEVE that all we need is within us NOW.

Sunday, February 14, 2010

Happy Valentine's Day

Woke up feeling fulfilled! I have so many reasons to be excited for today. It's the first time this week I woke up in my own bed since Tuesday and boy did I miss it! I realized I had been doing lots of running around and had not allowed myself time to sit still and just receive. So let's celebrate a couple of rock star moments!

One of last week's highlights was attending the Strategic Planning Meeting for C&B in Chicago. I was honored to be chosen to represent, and was fully mindful of the fact that I was the only store manager from the East Coast. I was excited, nervous, thrilled, and scared all at the same time. I know I have a lot to say, and I wanted to make sure I represented my peers, and the store staffs as well as I could. The whole flight there I focused on being able to express myself beautifully by balancing grace and wisdom. We arrived there safely despite all of the flight delays and cancellations due to a nor'easter. The meeting was short, but our mission was clear. We were going to define our strategy for the future and choose initiatives that would best represent them. There were so many people to meet and so many more to reacquaint with. This was day one. And for the next 6 weeks, I will be flying to Chicago to continue the conversation.
A couple of more canceled flights later, I finally arrived back home on Thursday afternoon with some homework to do. I had challenged our COO with revising our goals by changing some words that would evoke emotions, positive feelings, and make them truly inspirational. He quickly turned it around and suggested that I re-write them and present them to him next week. And just as quickly, I agreed! I really appreciated that exchange between us. He is sharp, open-minded, and leads from his heart. I know we are still in good hands. And I am happy to do my part!

Another highlight took place when I got home Thursday just in time to attend Gabrielle Bernstein's lecture called, LOVE WINS Releasing Romantic Illusions at the Organic Avenue in LES. She is the author of the book, Add More ~ing To Your Life and I have been listening to her lectures and guided meditations for about a month now. It was my first time seeing her speak live and she is a bright light for sure. There was an amazing presence of feminine power and love and appreciation for everyone there. I was with my old friend, Andrea and my new friend, Zoe. It's comforting to be on this journey with so many others.
The most important idea I walked away with was to find love and light in all of my relationships. She says, make your romantic relationships more friendly, and your friendly relationships more romantic. Based on the teachings of A Course in Miracles, Gabrielle says to stop idolizing your lover and bring an equal perception of love to everyone in your life. Only then can you achieve a holy relationship, "where the other person doesn't complete you, but instead enjoys your wholeness with you."

On that note, Happy Valentine's Day to everyone and may we all remember that LOVE is IN each and everyone of us at all times...

Thursday, January 28, 2010

Manifesting at its best!!

Seems like everyday this past week has been a day full of miracles. As I get more clear about what I want, the faster and easier things seem to come to me. I think I'm getting the hang of this asking thing and then not worrying about "how" I will get it. I just got accepted into the Sati Leader Training Work Study Program. It kicks off in two weeks and I am so happy to a part of it. Ever since I joined the very first Sati challenge in Feb of last year, I knew that this was a practice that I wanted to help grow. It had re-awakened my spirituality and provided a perfect synergy between my heart, body and mind. In September of last year, I was featured in the SatiLife newsletter as Warrior of the Month where I was able to share some of the benefits I experienced as a result of doing the intenSati. And now a year after that first challenge, I will start my training so that I can help grow the reach of this movement.

For a long time I put off doing the training because I didn't have the money to pay for it. I had all the reasons as to why I couldn't. And so I didn't. But in class, I continued to put my all in it. I would be in the first row, doing the moves harder than most, talking louder than most, and smiling more than most. I pretended to be one of the Leaders. Ever hear of "fake it till you make it"? Well I did! And day by day, little by little more and more people would ask me if I was a leader and upon saying no, they would tell me that I should be one.

Three weeks ago one of the leaders, Rachel told me after class that I should apply for the Feb training. She was insistent that I do it because she said I was already one. I went home that night and thought about how that made me feel. She was right. I AM A LEADER. And in keeping with the theme for the month, I said to myself, "It's 2010, IF NOT NOW WHEN??

So two days later, I went online and filled out the application for the Work/Study program and sent it in with full confidence that what I want is on its way! I requested the week of Feb 15-19 off from work and told my boss that I was going to be in Leader Training even though I did not have any sign or confirmation that I got into the program. And I knew that getting into the program was the ONLY way I could do the training. But I told myself and anyone who asked, that I will be in that Feb training group, no matter what!

I got my confirmation email from Dyan 4 days ago that I was accepted into the work/study program. It felt like I hit the lotto! Or if you were around me at that moment, you would've thought I hit the lotto!!!

So this is what it feels like to MANIFEST something. First know what you want. Speak about it. Feel what it's like to have it. Act as if you already have it. Do not worry about HOW you will get it. Trust that it is already done. And allow it to happen!