Sunday, April 25, 2010

I am Powerful NOW

For those of you who practice the Law of Attraction, you've probably heard of Abraham.  One of the first things I read every morning is Abraham's Daily Quotes.  This past Friday's really resonated with me.  It said, "The main event has never been the manifestation; the main event has always been the way you feel moment by moment, because that's what life is."

While it's simple to understand, the idea of LIFE as something that is happening RIGHT NOW is quite difficult to embody.  Often times we are waiting for that main event--be it a better job, a new lover, more money, a house, a thinner body, better clients, new curtains, a new car, a sunny day, a new year, a diploma, a new haircut, better health, whatever it may be there are lots of external things we base our happiness on.  We say that all would be well, if only we had any or even all of the above. 

So then we work hard to get those external things, only to get them and realize that there's still a void, still something missing.  Or the opposite could be true.  We may believe we will never find a better job, a lover, or make more money, or be thin, NEVER so why bother trying.  Ugh!  Either way, it's so exhausting isn't it?  Why bother getting up and starting over if every day ends the same way it started??

Well, the reason why Abraham's quote really hit me is because it's a reminder that my life is happening right now.  It's not stuck in yesterday's drama and it's not waiting for tomorrow's what-ifs!  With every breath I am bringing forth new energy, creating new thoughts, dreaming up new visions and taking new action right now!  And it's the remembering of this Truth that allows me to appreciate my life as a journey.  And it's this knowing, this faith that all is well even when I am in the midst of experiencing what appears as setbacks that cause discomfort.  It is actually the discomfort that is signaling my readiness to grow and expand and become more powerful. 

This is why I love intenSati We speak affirmations that empower our thoughts, attitudes and actions.  It is the practice of commanding our thoughts instead of letting our thoughts take over us.  We speak out loud in the present tense and assume that what we want is here, and it is done.  It is the doing of the affirmations with energy and feeling that creates the healing of our thoughts.

This month's affirmation will be about claiming our POWER NOW.  It's about accepting our power, loving ourselves and giving gratitude for our lives exactly as they are right now.  It's about being ready every moment to bring LOVE, JOY and ABUNDANCE in.  The main event is always happening RIGHT NOW!

Hope to see you in class.  Join my Facebook group intenSati with Triccia for more info regarding my teaching schedule.  And for all things intenSati join i love intenSati

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