Tuesday, October 12, 2010


Can you believe it's October? 2010 is going full speed ahead! This past Sunday was 10/10/10. And while I'm sure those numbers have varying meanings to many people, I got to thinking about those numbers and wondered am I living a 10/10/10 in Love, Career, Health? Am I playing big in all 3 areas? Am I pursuing my dreams wholeheartedly with passion, excitement, and enthusiasm? To be honest the answer is no, I am not! I know exactly where I am playing big and where I have been playing small! However, I am committing to playing full out for the rest of 2010 in the above mentioned areas! Over the next few days I am calling in clarity as I set my intentions by remembering WHY I want what I want in the above areas. I am calling in peace of mind as I accept and embrace where I am today as the starting point for this journey, reminding myself that my power is in the present moment. I will then be putting together an action plan that is best suited to have me feeling, and being my best self. This is a tall order I know. And I am willing to go for it with a full knowing that what I want is already here for me! And this I believe.

How about you? What areas of your life are you going after and are you ready to achieve greater success and confidence? The decision to go for greatness takes courage and a lot of heart! The great thing about this is that I am not alone and neither are you! In intenSati we affirm our willingness to take responsibility for our lives and by doing so we lift ourselves up! And when we are uplifted, we consequently uplift and inspire others around as too! This is why people love coming to an intenSati class! We actually refer to it as a Practice. It is a way of being. Deliberately choosing our thoughts, emotions and actions to manifest our dreams takes practice and lots of love. If this sounds good to you, then do yourself a favor and show up for yourself! Show up to be inspired by inspiring someone else!

So how about it? Are you willing to go for your 10/10/10 in 2010? Join me and other powerful Sati Warriors every Thursday 6pm at Ripley Grier at 520 8th Avenue bet 36th/37th St. Class is $15 or 4 for $50. Want an even better deal? Class is FREE for you if you bring a friend who has never SATI'ed before!

Much Love to You!

This month we are doing the ABUNDANCE series! I have posted the words on my FB group intenSati with Triccia Wall.

***Still some spots left for this Sunday's Warrior Body Urban Retreat. Join intenSati creator, Patricia Moreno and HG Life Coaching for a special one day urban retreat this Sunday, Oct 17th! I attended one of these in April of '08 and since that day, I knew my life would never be the same!!
